§ 67-5-22.7. Multi-agency strike force to combat violent and other major felony crimes associated with illegal immigration and human trafficking -- Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The Office of the Attorney General is authorized to administer and coordinate the operation of a multi-agency strike force to combat violent and other major felony crimes committed within the state that are associated with illegal immigration and human trafficking.
    (2) The office shall invite officers of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and state and local law enforcement personnel to participate in this mutually supportive, multi-agency strike force to more effectively utilize their combined skills, expertise, and resources.
    (3) The strike force shall focus its efforts on detecting, investigating, deterring, and eradicating violent and other major felony criminal activity related to illegal immigration and human trafficking.
    (4) In conjunction with the strike force and subject to available funding, the Office of the Attorney General shall establish a Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit:
    (a) for the primary purpose of investigating, apprehending, and prosecuting individuals or entities that participate in the sale or distribution of fraudulent documents used for identification purposes;
    (b) to specialize in fraudulent identification documents created and prepared for individuals who are unlawfully residing within the state; and
    (c) to administer the Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account created under Subsection (5).
    (a) There is created a restricted account in the General Fund known as the "Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account."
    (b) The Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account shall consist of money appropriated to the Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account by the Legislature.
    (c) Subject to appropriations from the Legislature, beginning on the program start date, as defined in Section 63G-12-102, the Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit may expend the money in the Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account to pay a claim as provided in this Subsection (5) to a person who is a victim of identity theft prosecuted under Section 76-6-1102 or 76-10-1801.
    (d) To obtain payment from the Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account, a person shall file a claim with the Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit by no later than one year after the day on which an individual is convicted, pleads guilty to, pleads no contest to, pleads guilty in a similar manner to, or resolved by diversion or its equivalent an offense under Section 76-6-1102 or 76-10-1801 for the theft of the identity of the person filing the claim.
    (e) A claim filed under this Subsection (5) shall include evidence satisfactory to the Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit:
    (i) that the person is the victim of identity theft described in Subsection (5)(d); and
    (ii) of the actual damages experienced by the person as a result of the identity theft that are not recovered from a public or private source.
    (f) The Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit shall pay a claim from the Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account:
    (i) if the Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit determines that the person has provided sufficient evidence to meet the requirements of Subsection (5)(e);
    (ii) in the order that claims are filed with the Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit; and
    (iii) to the extent that it there is money in the Identity Theft Victims Restricted Account.
    (g) If there is insufficient money in the Identity Theft Victims Restrict Account when a claim is filed under this Subsection (5) to pay the claim in full, the Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit may pay a claim when there is sufficient money in the account to pay the claim in the order that the claims are filed.
    (6) The strike force shall make an annual report on its activities to the governor and the Legislature's Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Interim Committee by December 1, together with any proposed recommendations for modifications to this section.
Amended by Chapter 18, 2011 General Session